Got a new job... still in retail. Maybe because retail marketing is my passion & i simply looove shopping. They say you become what you think about most and in my case, that is always right. After my stint as Marketing Manager for SM Hypermarket, i joined a company who's into skin whitening. I thought the job will be exciting and challenging, unfortunely i was wrong. I got bored!!!! I missed the adrenaline rush of meeting deadlines. I kept thinking of my job at SM. My daily stroll in MOA after lunch everyday looking for good buy is what i missed most. God must have heard me, a job offer came along and i just have to grab it or my life will never be as exciting anymore.
Now i'm back to retail, with what i do best...we're opening a store in Pampanga by year end & im now doing marketing plans. My calendar is full, planning out for promotions etc until December...i'm again strolling (its not as big as MOA though) after every lunch. and I love looking at what we're selling, this time majority are imported. Love the towels that are on sale, coming from Pakistan (want to try using items coming from that side of the world). Just came back from a store visit in Cebu.....
Thank you Lord for a job that i truly love and will compensate me generously. Thank you for the bonus, a CRV. Thank you for answering my prayers.